

Have the children gather in a large room. One child, who is “it” should then leave the room and count to 20.

The children then pose like statues, and the child who is “it” comes back and pretends to be a museum guide.

If the guide leaves the room, the children must choose a new pose.

When the guide spots someone moving, that child becomes a tourist and must follow the museum guide.

Anytime the guide looks at another statue you can quickly change your pose.

Continue play until only one statue is left. The last child becomes the new museum guide.

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T&T Awana Games

What is T&T Awana Games?
T&T Stands for Truth & Traning.

Awana is a Christian Group for Kids. Where kids learn about Jesus, play games, and memorize scripture. T&T is specifically for 3rd to 6th Grade.

I am the T&T Game Direcor and I intend to list My Kids Favorite Games. Sometimes I'll list a game I have fun running.